Small Dick Humiliation Princess

So its been small dick humiliation central lately. Like either you dudes missed your favorite humiliation phone sex princess or I dont know what else you just missed me.

Not complaining cause I gotta say I am loving laughing at you shrimp dick losers. Hey what can I say its what I live for! Giggling and laughing along with just telling you the truth over what I think of small dick men.

small dick humiliation princess

Anyways just wanted to point out thanks to a certain guys recommendation this small dick humiliation phone sex princess added a special toy to her wish list. Yup it goes by the name Mr Marcus. No literally its name is Mr Marcus its molded after his 9 inch big black cock. Yup apparently this thing is massive but course that is coming from a white guy who hasnt really seen a black cock before.

Me on the other hand have fucked a black guy. Only once but let me say if a bbc where to come into my path again I wouldn’t think twice about pouncing on him!

Yup it was a MASSIVE MANDINGO cock.

So thought why not add that massive bbc dildo to my wish list and one of you small dick losers could buy it for me. I read the reviews and women are like fuck ya I gave up my fuck buddy since buying this thing. Now dont worry I wont give up being a humiliation phone sex princess but I am pretty sure my cuckold blogs will drastically increase haha.

No really they would if I was messing around with that 9 inch bbc dildo I would be dishing out the small penis humiliation left and right.

So anyways I even added some other fun bbc cuckold stuff to my wish list the link will be below so you can check it out yourself. My eye really is on that dick cause I am all curious as fuck about it.

Oh shit I totally got distracted I was gonna blog about the guy who mentioned Mr Marcus to me and looks like that will be another blog. Haha nothing like being a massive tease!

Just ask for Bree when you call

My twitter fetishprincess

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Call me at.
small dick humiliation phone sex

Humiliation Phone Sex with Princess Bree

So there is nothing like some loser calling up for a repeat humiliation phone sex call. Course ya usually have to remind me which loser you are cause like it gets rather confusing with all the panty boys and small dick fucks I seem to attract. Hey its not like I am complaining but when you all go “Hey Bree remember me?” its like ummmmm no?

humiliation phone sex

Ok so the last bit didnt just happen but the first bit did this guy called last month for some panty boy small dick humiliation. Heck ya! Fun times. Now he was calling all dressed up in a lacey one piece to show off that button cock and wanting to listen to how I would take a monster black dick.

He literally wanted to rub one out. Lord knows he aint stroking that pint size dick to my tales of being a size queen for big black cock haha. Though he seemed to lack self control for he was gone the minute I said how that monster chocolate cock was stretching me out and making my  swelling pink pussy useless for small dicks now.

Like I wouldnt feel any cocks under 9 inches now after this massive 12 inch black dick that was insanely thick. Swear he was ripping me open but in a ohh so pleasurable way.

Guess that would get someone with a small dick blowing their load quickly. Wait can a small cock blow a load? More like dribble that cream down that pretty lace lingerie teddy.

Gotta say its the day for humiliation phone sex calls be it me fucking those big black cocks or just giggling over some small dicks. Good thing I woke up with the giggles today!

Give me a call and lets talk about it just ask for Bree!

My twitter fetishprincess

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Call me at.
humiliation phone sex

Small Penis Humiliation Phone Sex with Cock Hungry Bree

What is up with all the small dick guys? Seriously? Does no one have a decent cock any more? I swear being a cock hungry princess I am left starving. Well before you shrimp dicks all get super excited I will never be that starving to be willing to fuck you.

Hell no!

Who ever fucks you guys?

small penis humiliation phone sex

Always wondered. Your so quick to wave around those little dicks thinking they are rock star cocks and I am left going this will be a super easy small penis humiliation phone sex call haha. Quickest money ever earned cause just one giggle will have you blowing your load and thanking my sexy princess ass.

Yup its happened. LOTS! You guys with your micro mini cocks just cant handle being in the presence of a super hot girl especially a barely legal princess like me. I tell ya I am 19teen and boom explosion. Well I think its an orgasm I mean the dribble that comes out of your dick really cant be called an explosion. Haha

Damn you guys really did get the short end of the stick literally. No inches to please a girls pussy and well no cum to spray. Toss in the most hilarious orgasm noises ever. Pretty sure you guys are just over dramatizing the orgasm. You aint no porn star dude!

Ok well I am done with this blog off to get my pussy fucked by a real dude. No seriously my fuck buddy just called to say he was free. This girl is about to get some massive dick!

I will tell you all about it during a small penis humiliation phone sex just be ready I may get ya to slurp up his cream pie!

Just ask for Bree

My twitter fetishprincess

My Amazon Wishlist

Call me at.
small penis humiliation phone sex

Ass Fetish Freaks Come Kiss my Butt Hole!

So not sure if like guys have suddenly become ass worshipers or they were just too embarrassed to say they had an ass fetish and wanted to shove a tongue up a girls ass.

ass fetish phone sex

Probably both cause there seems to be an awful lot of guys annoying on the phone lately how they wanna tongue fuck my perfect princess ass. Now I am not gonna say no to such a thing for I love a good rim job.

Girls who say no to a guy tongue fucking their ass cause they think its gross are totally missing out. There is nothing better plus its great to see the look on a guys face when you go, “hell no i wont kiss you. I know where you tongue has been. Umm eww!”

Just cause I want you worshiping my ass every which way doesnt mean I want that shit tasting tongue back in my mouth. Umm nasty!

You can keep your tongue doing what its suppose to be doing which is kissing my butt hole!

Fucking love saying “Kiss my butt hole!”

Ya there are other nastier saying I could toss out at you but eh that just has that element of brattiness to it, dont ya think?

So give me a call and tell me if your new to ass worship or you were just too afraid to say you wanted to tongue fuck a butt hole. I mean I will probably laugh at you any ways cause that is what I do but you know. I am rather curious when your ass fetish started.

Just ask for Bree

My twitter fetishprincess

My Amazon Wishlist

Call me at.
ass fetish phone sex

Bratty Phone Sex Princess Bree Loves Humiliating Losers

So like I know you kinky fuckers all wanna get in this bratty phone sex princess pants but like who really wants to fuck you? Between your old man limp dick issues and slamming back the lil ole blue pills and well mr limpy just aint rising at attention to the old star spangle banner.

bratty phone sex princess

Right this is where you tell me how mean I am but really we both know humiliation phone sex is where is at for you and the things you call lil blue mints just so your ego feels better. What too much?

Well if you want to be all pampered n shit then ya can hit up one of the milfs or granny’s who do phonesex pretty sure they are use to men not getting it up and can coddle you. Me? I dont give a shit about your feelings or emotions or masculinity. Straight up if you cant get it up then I will be laughing my ass off at you. See thats what this bratty phone sex princess does.

Never have I ever said I was sweet and wonderful and caring. Your here to amuse me in some fashion and if its not to fuck my brains out with some amazing cock then well best start doing your best circus act cause well I need to laugh!

Swing your limp dick around. Wave it too and fro. Suck back on another mans dick. I really dont give a shit what you do but humiliation is the key to you entertaining me!

Yes even you small dick losers can get in on the giggles!

Princess Bree!

My twitter fetishprincess

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Call me at.
bratty phone sex princess

Small Penis Phone Sex Humiliation with Princess Bree

why the fuck do guys with small dicks think they can worship a hot teen girls pussy? no i am serious here! was on a date the other day and the guy really should of been a fucker calling me for some small penis phone sex humiliation and not thinking he was gonna be slipping that cocktail wiener in my sweet tight barely legal pussy.

small penis phone sex humiliation

honestly, i was totally put off cause he was super hot and that just killed me. i would of let him go down on me but he was the sort of guy who would of been humping my leg while he did it and well just ewww!

who wants that thing anywhere near them. not me! so had to show him the door after a serious make out session. bloody fucking hell was i disappointed.

you wanna know who wasnt disappointed? the dudes who called me when i logged in after my disaster date hahah. well the small dick phone sex losers anyways. i totally rocked their world even more than i usually do. and we all know i rock your work in the way of humiliation phone sex calls.

so really i should be logging in for calls after any bad date. or maybe i should keep the cocktail wienie around?? nah! who needs that sort of disappointment in their life. well unless he is willing to be a cuckold and be used by this fetish princess then we can talk but something tells me he wouldnt be into that.

of anyone in the universe he should be jumping for joy to be cucked by such a hot fucking bitch like me.

anyways thats been my week rocking small penis phone sex humiliation calls and failing at dating. always next week and well i will be adding a new vibrator to my wishlist cause apparently you guys cant please me any other way!

Princess Bree!

My twitter fetishprincess

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Call me at.
small penis phone sex humiliation

Fetish Phone Sex Princess Bree

hey losers! your favorite phone sex princess is back on her blog. ya probably be short lived but hey when your busy being a taboo phone sex loving princess the blogging takes a back seat. sorry! kind of.. sort of.. not really. bring on the fucking sick fetish calls from your panty sniffing, furniture humping freaks!

so now that i am here what the hell to write. hahah.

fetish phone sex princess

oh hell! i got new neighbours the last month and omg silver bengay couple. first i got to admit i was expecting them to be bitching about my music and shit. like its condo living the walls are decent but not great!

nope they cant hear my music nor my fucking. thank gawd. cause the wall we have in common is the bedroom one. just eww.

so like few weeks in and i am all omg i have grandma and grandpa living next door. *eyeroll* to one of my guy friends and he of course wants to bang the head board on the wall to see if they will bitch about this fetish phone sex princess getting some pussy action.

go in my bedroom and OMG they beat us to it. the old farts had their headboard banging on the wall! and if that wasnt bad enough!!!! it was a nice evening so our windows were open. yes both of ours. so we heard it ALL!

did you really think i would leave? hell the fuck no! went and grabbed some snacks and we listened like the dirty fucking perverts we were. damn had to start calling grandpa the silver bullet cause he was given’r good.

wait we may need to change that name cause that sounds like he was quick draw mcgraw (total mom quote right there haha) he was anything but quick they were going at it for like an hr. who knows how many orgasms she had.

was making both of us hot and horny though. who knew listening to grannies climax could be hot???

dont be all disgusted you know you would be all over that too. probably cheering them on your sick fucks!

ya when not taking fetish phone sex calls this bitch is listening to some high def porn audio hahah. well and trying to give it back to them too. cant have them out doing me in the sex department.

anyways the usual still applies here taking calls. being nasty and all that shit. will try to blog but really we know the truth haha.

Princess Bree!

My twitter fetishprincess

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Call me at.
fetish phone sex princess

Panty Sniffing Phone Sex Losers

Heads up panty sniffer phone sex losers! I literally am wearing my panties from yesterday. HAHA ya thought that would grab you attention. Like whip lash city knowing that this hot bratty princess domme is sporting some well worn stinky panties.

panty sniffing phone sex

Ya like I dont go around announcing that in public. Wait just did but you know you fucking perverts definitely dont count. I like telling you guys shit to see what happens. Wanna see you get rock hard thinking about me in my sexy dirty panties.

Come on like you havent laid in bed wondering if I was someone to wear panties more than one day in a row. Fuck on Netflix binge days I wont shower or change my panties. Ooooo your reaching in your pants now.

So now that I have your nostrils flaring at the idea of sniffing my hot panties, I wanna know what is your favorite way to sniff dirty panties? Seriously! Are you the type of guy who wants to take them panties and run so you can enjoy them on your own or do you like the girl to wear them and rub them in your face. I mean there really are a number of different ways but I wanna know for you panty sniffer phone sex losers… What gets you off?

Yes I know why? Why? Why? Cause I am a nosy ass bratty princess that loves the details. Plus that means I get to humiliate you later hahaha. Oh right wasnt suppose to tell you that part.

Princess Bree!

My twitter fetishprincess

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Call me at.
panty sniffing phone sex

Cock Sucking Phone Sex Humiliation with Bree

So finally heard from Gloryhole Mark! Like it had been so long since his cum sticky lips had been on the end of the phone I literally blanked on who it was on messenger. Yes! Its literally been that long! Anyways GM was in desperate need of some Princess Bree time so he called up for a bit of cock sucking phone sex humiliation.

cock sucking phone sex

We caught up a bit since the last time I talked to the cum eater was before his big move. Seems his move was for the good as his lips have been around quite a few big thick cum filled dicks. Gloryhole Mark is back to his usual haunts and looking for dicks again. Hitting up the bath houses and drooling over naked men. How your friends dont know your a dick licker is beyond me really.

So what is the fag doing? He was partying it up in one of the best New Year Eve spots ever. Now being a sweet princess for but a moment I wont say where cause ya never know a friend of his could read and be like wait a minute thats the Mark I know!!!! See I can be nice at times. Lets not make it too often cause it really hurts my brain to be sweet.

Anyways Mark is at party central already for a few days and wouldnt you know it he is licking and sucking some big cock. Ok it was a couple but still thats better than most of you wanna be cock suckers out there least he is finding some dick and going to get it.

Gloryhole Marks big plans for the New Years Eve was to ditch his friends and go be a little cum bucket for who ever he could find. I of course told him he was better off celebrating with his friends. Ya right bring on the bus loads of dicks please.

Guessing it was a success as I never heard from Mark again. Like hello dude I want details! Did you get a facial for NYE of what? How many loads did you take. Like fill me the fuck in here.

Till Mark unsticks his lips give me a shout and tell me about your holiday adventures or talk about the shit you wish you did. Either way bring on the cock sucking phone sex humiliation! This Princess is ready.

Princess Bree!

My twitter fetishprincess

My Amazon Wishlist

Call me at.
cock sucking phone sex

Small Dick Humiliation Phone Sex with Princess Bree

I always say dont ask a fucking question if your not prepared for the answer especially when it comes to dick size! Honestly. Swear every time I answer a dick size question it turns into a small dick humiliation thing. Not that I try to make it that but come on you know I am gonna wanna a decent size cock.

small dick humiliation

Yes this is a rant. Like ya havent learned by now that I am either all oh yay so and so called me or ranting about some fucking small dick loser. Plus its my blog so I can do what the fuck I want. Dont like it click the little x at the top of the screen.

Anyways this guy friend was all Bree what size dick makes you cum hard? I know weird friend but we were drinking and well I dont believe in sugar coating anything. If he has the balls to ask then I am gonna answer. So I said 9 gets me fucking creaming hard core but I really wont fuck anything less that 7. The dude suddenly went all OMG your a size queen.

Really? Did we just start hanging out? Course I am a size queen just cause I am 5’2 doesnt mean I am gonna settle for a dude who is pint size in the crotch department. Fuck that shit. I wanna man who can make my eyes pop out when he drops his drawers.

So then he went from a happy drunk to hitting the shots hard core and near crying ” I will never get laid” Oh gawd! Your one of those!!!! I talk to you all the time during a small dick humiliation phone sex call *massive eye roll* Now being a friend I could comfort him and say ya you will find a girl who will love you for your small wiener but the bratty domme won over and well I blame the alcohol.

The dude was like ugly crying over his pint size penis. There is no comforting that. And well I lost it when he told me he had a 5.5 inch cock. Sorry bratty princess was unleashed. Who will fuck that shit????

Princess Bree!

My twitter fetishprincess

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Call me at.
small dick humiliation phone sex