Anything Goes Phone Sex with Bree

Apparently I need to rethink the whole anything goes to kinky phone sex mentality. Cause seriously dudes there is some limits to what I will do with YOU!

phone sex

Like this one guy was all let me make love to you princess. Show you how a real man will treat you. Then he started describing his dick and I was like *hand up* check please!

I definitely do not want any part of thing you call a dick. Do girls actually let you fuck them with that small cock? No ohhh hell no they cant. He broke into the whole but your an anything goes phone sex princess. Ummm ya I will talk about anything but apparently we found a limit its your 2 inch dick trying to treat me like a woman. Ugh! *shivers*

So let me redefine that anything goes phone sex deal when it comes to this perfect princess. Anything goes with your taboo kinky fetish fantasies. Ya we can have me kicking you in the nuts all night long. Cucking and making you eat out cream pies from my sweet fucking ass all day long. But you “making love” to me with anything less than an amazing cock. ya thats a straight up NOPE!

Seriously a girl has to have some standards. Mine are all around the size of your dick and I will not apologize for that. Not one fucking bit.

Just ask for Bree

My twitter fetishprincess

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Call me at.
kinky phone sex roleplay

Kinky Phone Sex Roleplay with Bree

Ya your favorite bratty princess is around and taking calls. I mean lets face it my social life has taken a bit of a nose dive the last few months thanks to a certain thing we all hate talking about. Since I am at home might as well log in to take kinky phone sex roleplay.

kinky phone sex role play

Was gonna say forget that your at home but really your a fucking loser is isolation life any different than your usual one? I mean other than your now working from home and cant hear all the girls laughing as they walk on by your cubicle.

Dont worry my sexy princess giggle will be more than happy to fill in and remind you of what a loser you are. Giggling away while you try and get my attention. Listening to me talk about the last amazing dick I had and well even now with lack of dick I still wont fuck you.

How fucking sad is that?

Well I guess not really cause your fucking use to it right? All the girls ignore you and would rather go without sex than think of you as a sex possibility.

So ya might as well just keep that theme rolling in our kinky phone sex roleplay. I could be your girlfriend that is cucking you. Your girlfriend that is gonna tease your balls till they are blue.

Hell dont even have to be your girlfriend can be your co worker that you been drooling over. Sure you have some sweet masturbation stories to her.

Thats what I got for now course I am all up for just down right humiliation and reminding why a loser like you will never get pussy like mine. Dont even need the roleplay fantasy for that shit haha.

Just ask for Bree

My twitter fetishprincess

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Call me at.
kinky phone sex roleplay

Humiliation Phone Sex with Bree

Guess who called me yesterday? Dont worry I am not gonna make you sit there and guess it was Panty Princess haha. The fucker was in his bedroom twirling around in his girlfriend’s panties saying how pretty he looked in them. Course he had to double the afternoon fun by calling this awesome bratty domme and have me dish out some humiliation phone sex.

humiliation phone sex

Make him tell me all sorts of fun little tales. Like did you know any time he goes in to Victoria Secret to buy his girlfriend a present he picks what will look the best on him and what he wants to wear not what she will like. Hah. I mean I know you wankers with girlfriend’s always buy what you want to drool over but this guy literally buys what he wants to wear cause you know once she leaves the house he will be putting it on and parading around in it. Whispering as he walks by every mirror “What a pretty princess I am!”

No really he does say that! Well least he does for me while he is twerking that panty covered ass haha.

Oh and even her make up isnt safe from that princess wanna be. Ya he is diving into find that right shade of slutty pink or red to go with the lingerie he is wearing. So naughty but he doesnt care cause if she walks in he will totally tell her that he looks better in that stuff than she does anyways.

Ya I sit back and fucking laugh at how excited he gets when he is coached into saying all sorts of nasty things to his girlfriend. Well the idea of saying it. His lil clitty starts to dribble in those panties and well pretty much he is leaving his mark and saying I was here. These panties are mine!

The more I laugh during that humiliation phone sex call the more he moans and well then begs to play with his pussy. You know the routine. haha.

Just ask for Bree

My twitter fetishprincess

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Call me at.
small dick loser

Small Dick Loser Phone Sex with Bree

So that limp dick phone sex loser I wrote about before who was all please blog about  me! Well he called again. Except this time I was a right bitch cause he is sitting there with his under impressive dick in his hand probably refreshing my blog cause lets face it he has nothing better to do right now as he waits for me to write this.

small dick phone sex loser

Well jokes on him cause its been what 2 days or something like that. Fuck I dont even remember when we spoke and with being under self isolation stuff you know my excuse isnt cause I was out getting any. It was straight up forgot about your limp dick loser ass.

Is that making your small dick quiver in your pants?

Fucking bet it is hahah.

Anyways he called up and was all tell me about the biggest cock you been with knowing full well it wasnt gonna be the size he is sporting in his tighty whity’s. Like 8 inches or more is what gets this girl excited and a girthy fucking cock too.

We talked about it and I will give up some length for the girth but like not gonna go crazy on that length thing still want some substance so that cock. He cant be build like a pop can in girth but only sporting 4 inches in length like come on that would be fucking stupid aint getting near me with that.

No talking about 8 inches and a fucking meaty cock where he pulls out and I am feeling my pussy still gaping. That sort of girth.

Well the more I talked about the girth and how he could get sloppy seconds but really I wouldnt even feel his small dick loser self slipping in.

Like at all.

Well that got him going.

Like hard core he was working up a sweat thinking about fucking me and my pussy being so stretched out he couldnt even feel those pussy lips around his cock.

And you know what thats a good thing cause I aint gonna fuck him anyways so get use to swinging that cock in the air.

Yup small dick phone sex loser even in the fantasy your not going to be feeling my pussy on your dick. hahah

Just ask for Bree

My twitter fetishprincess

My Amazon Wishlist

Call me at.
small dick loser

Humiliation Phone Sex Princess Bree

Just got off a small dick humiliation phone sex call. Well scratch that I didnt get OFF more like hung up the phone cause like I get off with your small dick losers!

This guy before he could come with that thing was all begging me to write about him. Please blog about me and let everyone know how pathetic I am. Please Princess Bree write a humiliation phone sex blog about our time together.

humiliation phone sex

Me being the bratty princess I am was like eh will think about it cause not gonna give him the jerk off satisfaction to know that ya I am gonna actually write a sph phone sex blog about his limp ass time with me. But he was super lucky cause I actually was about to head to my website and write something.

Now unlike some of you micro dick losers this guy has something down there its 7 inches but you all know that I LOVE big dicks so even his 7 inches aint enough to impress me. Ya let that fucking set in. 7 inch cock aint enough to impress this humiliation phone sex princess. FUCK YA!

Spent the half hour with him laughing my cute ass off. Well laughing at him and telling him all about the biggest dick I fucked and how I would make him watch that long dick fuck me. Then beg to experience what it would be like to slip his dick in a well used pussy. Only knowing I do not feel it.

Ya went from a sph call into a cuckold situation it was fucking awesome. The whole time he was moaning oh gawd your laughing at me. hahah Yup bet with each haha in this blog you can hear my laugh in your ears. Cause I am still laughing at your useless fucking dick.

Anyways thats enough jerk off material for your loser dick. Any ways I am off to enjoy my night, hopefully it will be spent giggling and laughing away at more sph losers wishing to eat the cum from my pussy.

Just ask for Bree

My twitter fetishprincess

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Call me at.
humiliation phone sex princess

Phone Sex Princess Bree

Oh I know your fucking looking at this hot sexy phone sex princess! How can you not I mean I am everything your fat wife aint. Ya you go from looking at me in the mall with my VS shopping bags wondering what I have in there. Wishing you could see my hot sexy body in it.

phone sex princess

Then go home to your Lane Bryant wearing wifie. Ohhh how sexy those granny panties must look on that lard ass. What? Dont give me that excuse she looked like me when you met her. We both know your shrimp dick was not gonna bring home any sexy bitches like me. Those hot cheerleaders were ignoring your tuba playing ass.

Now you got the money though isnt that what goes through your brain. You stand there in the mall watching me shake my ass in my skin tight jeans. Squinting hoping to develop some mental powers that will let you see through that painted on denim to see my hot lace thong panties. Praying my panties will pop up the moment I bend over to put down my shopping bags.

Keep dreaming loser!

Well nah this bratty phone sex princess is all about humiliating you and well giving you some mental image to wank off too. Let you flip through the VS website hoping you can find those panties base off of the hint of lace popping up so you can visualize my hot ass in them.

Wanking off thinking of what fun it would be to take me on a lingerie shopping spree. Ohhh the fun you would have dressing me up. Just saying yes, “Princess buy what ever you like. Will you model it for me please?”

Is that dick getting hard right now? Well you best do something with it like give me a call and lets really have some fun!

Just ask for Bree

My twitter fetishprincess

My Amazon Wishlist

Call me at.
bratty phone sex princess

Phone Sex Sugar Baby Bree

Who doesnt love a hot sexy  phone sex sugar baby teasing their small dicks. Actually its all you could really get from a hot bitch like myself. Come on you know that someone as hot as myself isnt really gonna bend over and be all “Here fuck my ass, bad boy!”

Ya you know you cant get a girl this hot to pay attention to you that is why you have to offer up something way hotter. Like presents and shopping sprees. I love those and well you will to when you start getting my cute wonderful voice purring in your ear saying those boot would look so hot. Right?

phone sex sugar baby

The answer is always yes. You cant say no to your sexy princess and you always want the best for your bratty phone sex princess so of course that wallet will come right out of your pants pocket. Oh I know you love putting that wallet right there in your front pocket of your pants and let me lean up real close to you. Let my sweet perky titties press up against your chest while I lean up to whisper in your ear. Telling you how badly I want those boots and my fingers are wiggling down into your pocket.

Yes for a brief moment you can feel those fingers of mine twirling around that wallet. The back of my hand rubbing up against that pecker of yours. Getting all stiff for me.

Is it for my fingers that are so near your dick?

The thought of everyone watching you have such a hot girl pressed up against you in public?

Or the idea of you buying something that will make me so fucking happy?

Maybe its all of the above.

All I can say is my personal happiness will have you rock hard and will crave spending for your phone sex sugar baby.

Just ask for Bree

My twitter fetishprincess

My Amazon Wishlist

Call me at.
bratty phone sex sugar baby

Bratty Phone Princess Bree

What are you doing this long weekend? I was gonna be hitting the beach and teasing some of those old man cocks but ya mother nature opted to have it rain so looks like the only dicks this bratty phone princess will be teasing are the ones on the phone.

bratty phone princess

Not that I am complaining cause like that is a blast too.

Plus teasing via the phone means you can dive into those taboo fetishes n fantasies that most would just freak out about in real life. Like the daddy/daughter role plays. I mean ya its hot to call someone daddy when your going at it in the bedroom but when you already look barely legal its  a bit of a taboo topic to say when walking the streets. Trust me this bratty phone princess has made the mistake once or twice haha.

Last time I never even started the Daddy/ Daughter stuff I was at a restaurant and my date got up to go to the washroom and the waitress came to the table and asked if my daddy wanted another drink or not?

Nah just the cheque will do cause Daddy wants to get a piece of this ass.

Yup the look on her face when I said that was priceless. Well bitch dont assume! Bet you would love to be sitting across from me when I say those things. Part of you turned on to be outed for loving to fuck young bratty phone princess pussy and course the other part of you down right humiliated that you get a raging hard on for being outed.

Knowing everyone is staring at you for being a full on pervert. Sure they were looking before and wondering but now they KNOW!

Haha ya I am totally up for outing your perverted old man ass and teasing it of course.

Just ask for Bree

My twitter fetishprincess

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Call me at.
bratty phone princess

Bratty Phone Sex Domme Bree

So last month I was all yay taking my clothes off n shit cause the weather was soo warm. This month the sun disappeared and I am like Mr Sun come out and play please this bratty phone sex domme wants to tease the men in her cute bikini tops and cut off jeans.

bratty phone sex domme

It didnt work cause I am in shorts and a tee. Which suits the weather but I like to flaunt my cute body and make all you perverted men pop an erection the moment I walk into the room. Seeing ya struggle to hide your cock standing up to say haha. Especially awesome when you wife is right there beside you.

Yup I am that mean. Well I prefer to use the term bratty along with a side dish of sassy. Its what you kinky fuckers love about me. That I have this wickedly sweet bubbly persona yet will smack you in the face with my brutal honesty.

I say way lie you get enough of that shit at home. This bratty phone sex domme isnt here to sugar coat anything. I mean sure if you wanna be my sugar daddy and slip me a few benjamins for being adorable n shit then by all means. Let me hold off on telling you the wicked truth till you empty that wallet a bit for your adorable sassy phone sex brat.

That would be me by the way!

So ya if you want a sassy bratty phone sex domme then give me a call at the number below. Just ask for Bree! Cause I love telling you the truth and hell sometimes I will even lure you in with a few white lies just to get what I want then boom!

Slap your face with the truth.

My twitter fetishprincess

My Amazon Wishlist

Call me at.
bratty phone sex domme

Humiliation Phone Sex Princess Bree

What is it with you little dick dudes wanting to wave those pint size cocks around? Like seriously do you think all us hot phone sex princess wanna have a look?

Before you say a fucking word the answer is NO!

We dont wanna look. Or I should say this bratty phone sex princess has no fucking interest in looking at your tiny dick. Like dude my vision is 20/20 and what your sporting down there will have me squinting and requiring a 1000 power magnify glass.

humiliation phone sex princess

Even then EWWWW!

Like I wanna see that on zoom.

You can keep your pictures and videos and whatever else you your about to ask me to watch cause umm ya I have a very vivid imagination on what that inflated clitty looks like and trust me I dont need the trauma.

Fuck could you imagine your the result of me having to go to therapy and when the doctor asks why I am there. OMG its all the small dick pictures I saw as a phone sex princess. But the one that send me to seek out therapy was this dick if you could call it that turtled back into his fucking balls. Like I wanted to look away but I just couldnt.

Now everytime I look at a turtle I am reminded of the horrid image of that itty bitty dick.

Just kidding like you fuckers could send me to therapy haha. But you will send me giggling and laughing with my friends.

Come on my friends and I all have a few drinks then talk about the cocks we have seen which ones have been the best and which ones have been the worst. Chances are if you called me for some sph phone sex you have been mentioned haha.

Ohh I bet that itty bitty thing is dribbling haha.

Well call this hot phone sex princess for some more humiliation phone sex and who knows you might be the topic of next girls night. Doubtful but hey you can let yourself believe it for a moment.

Just ask for Bree

My twitter fetishprincess

My Amazon Wishlist

Call me at.
humiliation phone sex princess