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ok get this my friend calls me and asks if i wanna go to some praise jesus weekend camp out. wtf! like its nearing october and you want my bratty phone sex princess ass camping out?

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apparently we will be in cabins. ok then the next thing is you want me to sit there and praise jesus all weekend long? like who the hell wants to do that? sit around with a bunch of virgins who are probably finding god in the woods with a good old jerk off.

ya you know i am going to be sitting around the kumbaya wondering who is working that cock in the wilderness. well when i am not letting my mind wander to if jesus has a big dick? seriously like he always wears these robes and cant one picture have him in something that shows off his package. ya i know totally sacrilegious to think that shit but come on? like your not wondering too? i so bet the guys in the woods are jerking off thinking of sucking some big ole jesus dick. ok maybe that is a stretch but probably not very far one.

ok back to the camp out. its so not happening need to tell my girl like asap. cause number 1 its camping and well number 2 i would have to watch my mouth around these bible fuckers and well for those that call me know that is just so fucking hard. this bratty phone sex princess cant behave on any level.

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Teasing Perverts with My Perfect Ass

hey fuckers! so what is it with the perverts and wanting a look under some hot teens skirt? like seriously do you not think we will fucking notice your loser ass following us around. well maybe i notice you fuckers more since i talk on the phone with you and it gives me some sense of pervert radar but i see ya fucks everywhere.

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like i was walking up and down this street in victoria and there was this guy who was on vacation. oh man had the wife draggin him through all the sites. his eyes so where not on the water front. parliament, double decker buses it was on my fucking ass. well mine and every girl walking by him in shorts and skimpy skirt. haha was waiting for him to get some serious whiplash. him looking one way and the wife yanking him the other way by the arm. see him getting some chiropractor treatments when he gets home.

can you imagine what he tells the doc what brought him there. umm ummm twisted my neck looking at hot teen girls in short skirts while on vacation. well maybe he would if he had a pervert for a back cracker. totally possible.

ya so i was totally laughing and it made me wanna run up in front of him and bend over looking at some of the tourist crappy trinkets ya know. ya get a glimpse of my sexy panties fucker.

ya so totally in a teasing mood like duh when arent i right? so come share you nasty perverted stories and get your blue balls off with me.

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ass tease phone sex

SPH Phone Sex: Canadian Pussy You Can Get

So I was trying to decide what drink I wanted to drink tonight and boom it hit me. hahahah. I found the drink for loser dick boys. The drink that will make shrimp dicks envious. Cause really this is the only way u will get near a pussy. hahahah
Canadian Pussy. I mean even the name is so perfect.

1oz Yukon Jack Canadian Whiskey

1 oz Peach Schnapps

1 oz Orange Juice.

Mix all together in a shaker with ice and pour into shot glasses and serve.

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See is a quick drink for shrimp dicks cause really what will you do with a tall drink. One sip an ur exploding anyways that close to a pussy. And don’t worry this isn’t just for shrimp dick it goes for limp dick wonders too. Well any loser boy that knows their dick wont be finding a pussy tonight. hahaha.

How many of you thought I was actually going to like hand over helpful tips on getting some hot canadian pussy? OMG you guys are even bigger losers than I thought.

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Humiliation Phone Sex from a Bratty Princess Domme!

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