Phone Sex Princess Bree Humiliates a Wanna Be Cum Piggy

 phone sex princess

So in typical phone sex Princess style I have been busy enjoying the fucking awesome weather on the west coast. Ya you think that Canada means its the land of ice and snow and well brrr. Fucking far from the truth its been sun, sand and bikinis. Ok so the bikinis are a bit far off but not that much. hahah.

When my ass aint soaking up the sun its around for your fucked up losers kinky, taboo sexual fantasies. Dude like OMG the shit that goes through your minds to get your dicks hard. FUCK!

Well most of you know cause I blog about ya! Why should I be the only one to giggle over the humiliating shit that happens on the phone. Nah! Like take all the blogs about taboo brian he is one fucked up cum hungry dude.

Why bring him up well cause he called of course! That little wanna be cum piggy called me last night cause his boring vanilla wife was sound asleep and he needed to whack one off since should wouldnt spread her legs. Wonder what she would think if she knew the sick filthy things he thought about to get his dick hard? Haaaaaa!

Well Taboo Brian was a totally fucking jerk off last night wandering around a camping site twiddling his cock here and there trying to thinking totally taboo things. HINTING about what he would like to do cause he didnt wanna speak too loud and alter the people in tents that they had a full on cum craving creep wandering around.

Yup dont fear the wild life! Ya got to fear the dude in slot 10 who will jump out and suck your dick. The whole time Bree dont make me do anything stupid I gotta stay normal. Dont make me a cum piggy. Hah like I am his kyrptonite. Dont worry Taboo Brian your phone sex princess’ got your back lets go spew some cum on the side of your camper right underneath where your pathetic wife is sleeping.

OH and Taboo Brian is traveling to the OC so this wanna be cum piggy will be on the hunt for some dick. He is wanting a train to fill him with sticky jizz. Cant remember the dates but those in the area get your dicks ready a very deprived slut is on its way.

Princess Bree!

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Bratty Princess Loves to Humiliate Phone Sex Losers

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Y’all fucking know I love humiliation phone sex stuff like ya call up for some sph and I am all over that shit. Some times the degradation type talk just happens like I dont even try to make fun of you but hey you losers make it so easy… can’t help it!

Well I could but like I really want too. So this guy calls up and he is all I wanna do some cei fantasy stuff. Hell ya making a dude jerk off only to eat that loser load! I am on it! Well the forcing him to eat his jizz load no way I am touching that sticky dick crap. Ewww!

There we are right into him jerking off for me he is huffing and puffing like he is on the treadmill. Burning some serious calories apparently. Heads up your wife asks what you been doing at the hotel just say you were at the gym bwwwwah who am I kidding like your fat ass makes it to the gym. More like the 3rd trip to the buffet table.

So this keeps going of him being like *huff* I am gonna cum Princess. *huff*cough*

Dude ya gonna survive?

Then the phone drops like literally I am crashing my way off the filthy infested hotel bed on to the floor. Bang. Boom. Ouch!

Picks me back up with a sorry over his short breath. Ok back to jerking off. This time his voice is super faint. WTF? Before I was in a wind tunnel of over exertions “DUDE WHAT YOU DOING???????”

“I put you on speaker phone so I can jerk off better. I need two hands”

Really? Your dick requires two hands? This I find extremely hard to believe. I think its more like 1 hand to move the big ole belly rolls to find your small ass dick so that you can use the other to finger stroke your cock.

Oh that got the huffing n puffin working hard core then calling out his fat ass on his stroking technique. Thank fucking GAWD I didnt have to watch it on cam. Like said no no no! Who wants to see that?

Anyways that had him squirting his ball load in to that belly roll and he did gobble it up. How could he not its like straight up protein shake bwwwahhh he is a hungry fuck. Gobble Gobble!

Nothing like a humiliation phone sex by a sexy bratty princess who is younger, hotter than you will ever get.

Princess Bree!

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Bratty Domme Phone Sex Bitch Bree

Ok I know its been fucking forever and like well forever since I blogged but there is one person who has been waiting a week for this blog to be tossed up. TABOO fucking BRIAN! Ya his worthless shit of a cock sucking ass called me out of the blue just before Christmas. Sure I could of ran to the computer and tossed up some half fucked up blog about how his drunk ass was perving it up in the Atlanta area but nah. This bratty domme phone sex bitch couldnt do that besides I was totally comfy in bed.

bratty domme phone sex bitch

Not like that cock sucker wanna be actually got some dick while he was in… Fuck if I could remember what back woods area of Atlanta he was in but there were no fucking men to dominate his ass and make him slurp back some load of cum.

I would blame the lack of perverts in that area but really think its the lack of planning on Taboo Brians part. Like if you know your gonna be in a certain area before ya get all shit faced drunk or what ever you party with set up your men first. Or least set up how your gonna go about getting them. So its just point in click in your blurry eye haze.

Seriously Brian was all screaming I need my ass fucked. I need men. Get me men.

Like I am some genie in a bottle that can be bop the phone and get him a line up of cum filled cock to suck. Sure this bratty domme phone sex bitch lives in Canada which is near to heaven on earth as you get but there is no magical powers with living here. All he got was me laughing in his ear for being a fucking dip shit and not arranging his night of freedom from the ball and chain better.

Hell call a fucking pro dude!

Oh wait he did he called me. Sorry I got no dick and I am so not in Georgia.

Rather surprised with all the screaming about wanting dick that the guy sleeping in the room next to his never came over and fucked taboo brian’s ass like seriously he was loud. The whole city probably knew he was desperate for dick.

Got to ask Taboo Brian did you ever find some cum? Or did you have to go through Christmas dinner wishing for Cum in the new year??? Dont worry sure you will get some soon your a dirty whore and sluts know how to find cum.

Talk soon.

Princess Bree

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Cum Eating Phone Sex with Bree

cum eating phone sex

Was thinking the other day totally fucking disappointed in gloryhole Mark! Like he was suppose to be the amazing cum eating man slut out there sucking back cocks and gobbling up cum like no buddies business and here I was keeping tally. Ya I got nada on him. Like no word nothing the little fucking pervert needs to revoke his name Gloryhole, my ass.

I get people get busy but come on if your that much of a freak you are not gonna stop being a cum craving bitch. Trust me I know! Well not personally but ya know from all the taboo fucking freaks that call me for cum eating phone sex. Like them dudes are all about the jizz. Thick ropey jizz.

So this is a call out to Glory Hole Mark have you just not called your favorite phone princess cause your mouth has been full? Hell even that isnt a good enough excuse cause ya know I am all about your ass needs to call so I can listen to you guzzle back a fresh load of ball batter that isnt yours. hahah.

Seriously usually I am not one to call out people who dont call its like what ever you get busy and shit but some one when I am all let me keep a tally till the end of the year of the dick your smacking on then you best give the details over. Other wise *yawn* total boring, right?

So Glory Hole Mark its time for some cum eating phone sex you know so you can eat some creamy nut butter and well tell me about your latest dick sucking experiences.

Princess Bree

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Cum Eating Phone Sex with Princess Bree

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Poor Glory Hole Mark is out there doing his best to get some dick in his mouth but like the dude is having some issues cause the places he goes to suck some dick are over run with guys like himself in need of some cock in their mouths. How the fuck can Glory Hole Mark be a sick nasty fucking fagot if he aint got no dicks to suck? So he is left to gobble up his own cum for his favorite Princess. Me! during a cum eating phone sex fantasy.

Ok so it started out with him saying bree will ya give me some directions on masturbation and well calling me names and you know in addiction to what ever else we talk about. Ya well I took that a merely a suggestion and just did my own thing haha! Mark is so fucking use to it I mean he has been calling me forever. As I typed this out I was like ooops masturbation directions forgot that shit. I did give him directions on how to fucking perv out though and that trumps anything.

Many worked on him getting some fucking cum in his mouth! Preferably not his. Like ya sure if ya have to have yours fine but he is a sick nasty fucker! He needs to to feel a thick gooey load slither down his throat from another dude. Thats what is going to get this fucking fagboy off.

So here is what we came up with after 30 minutes of humiliating the cock sucker. That we mainly I were gonna do a tally of how many dicks he sucks in a month AND how much cum loads he eats. See fucking sick cum eating phone sex call right? Sure we are starting it half way through the year but hey bright ideas dont always happen in January. Then at the end of the year I will give him his tally. Oh and cum loads are gonna be separated into his and strangers cause like they cant be the same deal.

How fucking hot is that! Now I think cause Glory Hole Mark is such a freak he would love to compete with others so if you are a cock sucker and love taking cum loads then get in on this too. Get your bitch boy freak on! You can start at any time.

You can start your tally off with taking a load during a cum eating phone sex call with me!


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Cuckold Bitch Fantasy with Phone Sex Princess Bree

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it was an awesome week ok so like months ya i know blog bree blog! but like dicks hello! this phone sex princess is out finding cock and having fun. dont think you fucking perverted cock whores are the only ones out getting your holes filled. umm no!

so like a few weekends ago i totally went to the bar and met up with this guy ya i know bar hook up? well first you going your got into the bar? ya canada bitches 19 to get in cause we totally rock! so this dude was cute blonde blue eye  total like surfer look. was like you know what i am horny lets fuck plus he was rocking it out on the dance floor. ya i like a guy who can dance.

i know nothing about him well like a little bit he was hot and i am hot so we will have hot amazing sex right? sure why not.

well we go back to my place. my dad would so freak knowing i took a stranger home haha. well what ever dad aint there to bust me. so this guy is all eating out my pussy fucking licking me all up and totally teasing it. he doesnt have the greatest cock like 7 inches and really in this fetish phone sex princess world its alright but not omg you so are staying the weekend! but i will give him he is givin some awesome tongue action to my snatch.

so he comes up and is covered in pussy juices and whispers in my ear he would love my pussy if their was cum in it. what the fuck!!!!!!! oh deal lord i have a full on cuckold slamming my princess pussy. your shitting me.

well not that aint it he is slipping his cock up over my clit and telling me how he would suck a cock for me. Umm dude? like W-T-F!

so your a bisexual cuckold?

that he would suck the guy and make him all hard and have the dude shoot a load over my body and freaky fag boy would lick it all off. oh fuck! he is so a cuckold bitch.

course not gonna lie the whole time he is asking do i know anyone i was thinking of a few of you cum eating bitches that would definitely wanna get your dick sucked by a bitch. mind you the issue is you would wanna suck his dick cause your nothing but cum eating fag bitches. i might not get any attention in that deal.

so ya give this bratty phone sex princess a call and i will tell ya even more nasty  details about my sex fest with surfer cum eating boy haha seriously there is so much more.


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Glory Hole Mark returns to eat his own cum

Hey Cum Slurpers! So fucking awesome cum eating phone sex call like a week ago now. Ya, you can say it Bree why are we only now hearing about this fucking awesome call? Well cause part of it was I was waiting for Gloryhole Mark to call me back. Oh ya you all remember the adventures of Gloryhole Mark dont ya?

cum eating phone sex

He was the one who would hunt down the bathhouse places and the adult stores with the gloryholes for him to go eat cum. Well seems he was away working. Which from a stand point of cum eating must stuck cause he has no time to eat anyone else’s jizz but his own. BORING!

So whats he do like the first moment he can upon getting back? Fucking call his favorite phone princess of course. He was eager to get down to business. He was popping up on cam for me his dick rock hard, stroking away telling me how he can’t wait to perv out and well make my blog again cause he saw all his pervert adventures had disappeared. Total sadness for him and me really.

This cum eating freak was in a hotel which meant he was going to have a revolving door on his room of guys coming in with hard ons eager to unload into Glory hole Marks mouth. Fuck yes! Let the cum eating games begin! I wanna watch all this shit cause lets face it as much as your a sick freak for wanting to suck dick and eat strangers cum. Well I wanna watch it and force ya to do it. Waves my Princess Pervert Flag!

All this talk about making Glory Hole Mark have nasty sperm breath was getting him ready to blow his own nut batter all over his belly and well slurp it up. Oh ya I was cheering him on “slurp! slurp! SLURP!!!!” Which gets me thinking I am like the cheerleader for cum eaters out there. Seriously! I could have a cute little cheer uniform on and on my chest would be a little spermy haha that would so fucking rock!

Anyways, Glory Hole Mark must not of gotten any replies to his ad or got called into work cause this Cum Eating Princess never heard from him. Boooo! Like I was looking for the entertainment. So that sucked. But that doesnt mean I wont have some other suck freak ready to blow his load and gobble it up for me. Right?

Love to make another man eat his own cum for me. Who is up for it?


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cum eating phone sex

hey cum eaters. ya what is it with the summer and guys are all hey cum eating ya i need to do that. is it cause you at the beach and seeing all those guys in speedos and shorts and well thinking of wanting to suck some dick and the next best thing is a fucking cum eating phone sex call? cause really we are only like 1 step away from a force bisexual thing. like i can go either way and really they all end the same… one big gob of sticky cum slithering down the back of your throat.

cum eating phone sex

ha bet that has you jerking your cock harder now dont ya. see bunch of sick freaks. i totally love that you guys are sick, perverted guys and are reaching for your phones in need of a little princess bree. really it makes my nights totally rock. but you know that i am so fucking gonna make fun of your nasty asses. hey it just the way i am.

so dont worry if you end up going to the beach and getting over excited with all those fuckers in their shorts and well water running over their amazing abs. fuck gets me hot too and thinking of sucking their cocks. you can call me and share your nasty gay fantasies. haha. lead ya into your cum eating fantasy oh i know you dont have to be all wanting to suck a cock fag boy. before you all send me messages about how i am stereotyping cum eater. i know some guys just want to slurp up their own ball batter and well need a hot phone princess like me to push them to eat up their sticky puddle once they cum. ya i wont forget ya.


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